All You Need to Know About Flexible Couplings?

A flexible coupling performs the very important function of transmitting the power or torque from one shaft to the other. The power transmission is primarily necessary to make up for minor misalignment here and there. There are other cases where torque transmission becomes necessary as well. That’s when they are used to render certain protective functions like vibration dampening or for that matter when they serve as fuse in cases of torque overload. In all these cases, the flexible couplings are preferred to rigid couplings. If you are looking forward to procuring quality flexible couplings – then make sure you’re getting in touch with the reputable flexible coupling manufacturers in Malaysia. In the course of this post – however – we will be looking at the basics of flexible couplings. Read on in order to be duly guided.

Why is it Important to choose the Right Size of the Coupling?

Industries often end up experiencing failure with these couplings and that’s quite simply because of the fact that they select the wrong type of application in the first place. You should be prudent enough to choose the right size of the coupling instead of arbitrarily assuming something “close to the design of the system” will work. It’s not really about something “close” but the exact size which suits the design. It’s like one coupling failed because you chose the wrong type. The next time you’re choosing something similar to the first one and are unwittingly inviting possibilities of repeat failure thereby engendering serious system damage.


What’s wrong with Overstating Service Factors?

The key is to stick to a balance. Never overstate service factors when you are in the process of selecting them. The coupling service factors are actually meant to make up for variations in the torque loads thereby adding to the service life of the coupling. If you end up being too conservative while you are selecting the same – you might as well go on to choose the wrong unit – thereby paving the way for system damage.

Contact the best Manufacturers without fail

One of the most prominent benefits of getting in touch with a credentialed flexible coupling supplier Malaysia is that you can actually go on to educate yourself more about the nuances of couplings besides – of course – access quality units. The best manufacturers out there ensure that the couplings coming out of their stable are backed by premium grade raw materials – so that they end up demonstrating a string of desirable attributes including resistance to corrosion, durability and freedom from hazard. The raw materials employed are cast steel, cast iron and others as are specified.

So, it is important that you’re actually leaving no stone unturned to check the credentials of the manufacturer thoroughly before you’re actually getting in touch with the same. Under no circumstances should you actually go on to select a name in haste – i.e. without finding out how their products have performed over the years and for how many years the manufacturers have been in the business. Thus, you’re sorted!